Online Complaint Form
Do you have a Complaint against a Government Agency or a Leader?

OC's views on the proposed ICAC Bill.
".. any constitutional development has to be in harmony with the Constitution.."
-Chief Ombudsman Richard Pagen
-Chief Ombudsman Richard Pagen
How is the Ombudsman Commission helping you?
>Case Summaries>Officer back at work after wrongfully terminated Officer back at work after wrongfully terminated
>Case Summaries>Officer back at work after wrongfully terminated Officer back at work after wrongfully terminated
APEC allowance paid
K1.1 million paid to a security firm
Teacher paid outstanding salaries
Retrenched member back on pension
Police officers found guilty of manslaughter
Complainant receives payment for hire car service - copy
Local contractor vs. Oro Provincial Administration - copy
Illegal printing of teachers’ payslips stopped - copy
Complainants paid claims of K120, 000
Student re-enrolls at school after Commission’s intervention
OC's intervention lead to arrest
UPNG in creased fees
POMGen increased fees
Policeman sentenced to 20 years
Reimbursement of nomination fee
Teacher paid for improper suspension
Did you know?

The Ombudsman Commission plays an oversight role and ensures compliance in government processes & procedures.

The Ombudsman Commission’s services are free.

About 2,000 complaints are made against the public sector in Papua New Guinea each year.