In July 2022 the Ombudsman Commission received a complaint against the Immigration and Citizenship Authority alleging unreasonable delay in issuing Employment Visa Permits to foreign employees of a Company contracted to work in Papua New Guinea.
After assessing the complaint, the Commission decided that it had merits and issued a notice under Section 17(1) of the Organic Law on the Ombudsman Commission which gave formal notice to the Chief Executive Officer of the Immigration and Citizenship Authority of the Commission’s intention to investigate the complaint that the PNG Immigration and Citizenship Authority (PNGICA) had unreasonably delayed into issuing the Employment Visa Permits to the four company employees.
The Ombudsman Commissions’ intervention on this matter was to administratively inquire as to why and how such delay has been caused.
Through the Commission’s intervention, the PNG Immigration and Citizenship Authority (PNGICA) advised that it had issued the Entry Employment Visa Permit to the Company in September 2022.
In October 2022 the Commission received advice from the Foreign Company that its employees have been assisted and expressed sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Ombudsman Commission for its assistance in resolving the matter which could have been unnecessarily delayed.
All four (4) employees have received Employment Visa Permits issued by the PNG Immigration and Citizenship Authority (PNGICA).
The complainants were satisfied with the Commission’s assistance and appreciated our assistance to receive the long-delayed Employment Visa Permits.