The University of Papua New Guinea’s 2018 fee increase was removed after the Commission used its own initiative to facilitate mediation between the UPNG Council and the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science & Technology (DHERST).
UPNG had doubled its 2017 compulsory fees in 2018. The unjustified fees were considered unjust and unfair hence the integrity of the UPNG Vice Chancellor who falls under the Leadership Code was called into question and viewed as unbecoming of a Leader.
The Commission’s enquiry uncovered that one of the reasons for UPNG increasing its fees was due to its 2018 budget deficit. The University then shifted its budget shortfalls to the students.
The act in itself was unreasonable and uncalled for hence the Vice Chancellor was alleged of abusing the Office & Position he held to bind and enslave the students and their parents to over commit themselves to meet the expectations of the University.