Remandee Successfully Transferred to Laloki Psychiatric Hospital

The Ombudsman Commission’s visit at the Baisu Correctional Institution (CI) in Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province resulted in the successful transfer of a Remandee to Laloki Psychiatric Hospital in Port Moresby.

The information obtained by the Ombudsman Commission during its visit reveals that the Remandee charged with murder was detained at the Baisu CI and was allowed to stay in the Correctional Institution for more than seven (7) years without trial.

His unstable mental condition caused the delay of his trial and he was allowed to stabilize and regain his consciousness.

The matter was initially reported to the Ombudsman Commission in 2022 by other inmates who knew his mental condition.

The Commission received the complaint from the inmates and liaised with the Commanding Officer of Baisu CI to look into the matter and take the necessary steps to address it.

The Commission actively followed up with the Commanding Officer in Baisu and was advised that there were some delays in the travel arrangements and that the CS Headquarters would resolve those delays.

On 17 March 2023, the Ombudsman Commission wrote to the Commissioner of PNG Correctional Services advising him of the case at Baisu which needed his attention.

On 4 April 2023, the Commissioner of CS gave immediate attention and promptly made arrangements for the transfer of the Remandee where he was successfully transferred to Laloki Psychiatric Hospital to seek further medical attention.

The Ombudsman Commission’s visits to all Correctional Institutions around the country are conducted to fulfil the requirements under Section 74 of the Correctional Service Act 1995 and in accordance with Section 218(b) of the Constitution in order to help in the improvement of the work of governmental bodies and the elimination of unfairness and discrimination by them and to address human rights issues that arise within correctional institutions.

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