The Ombudsman Commission’s Intervention has fast-tracked the Transfer Instruments of A State Lease Title Under The National Housing Corporation

A retired public servant has received the instruments for the title transfer of a State Lease Title under the National Housing Corporation’s sell-off Scheme since offsetting the outstanding fees and land rentals. After four years of continuous follow-up with NHC, he brought his complaint to the Ombudsman Commission on the allegation of the unreasonable delay of the transfer of land title.

The Ombudsman Commission commenced a Full Investigation on 8 August 2022 using its powers under the Organic Law on the Ombudsman Commission, the alleged unreasonable delay in facilitating the State Lease Title Transfer of the property from NHC to the client.

Through the intervention of the Commission, the National Housing Corporation finally transferred the ownership of the said property, through the signing of the Contract of Sales and Transfer Instruments to the client.  

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