Tribunal Recommends Kramer to be Dismissed from Office

The tribunal looking into allegations of misconduct in office by Madang MP Hon Brian Kramer has handed down the penalties for seven (7) misconduct offences of which he was found guilty.

The leader was found guilty of seven (7) allegations out of 13 that were raised against him during the Leadership Tribunal.

The first two allegations relate to the scandalizing of the judicial system on his Facebook posts; firstly in which he insinuated that Chief Justice Gibbs Salika had a conflict of interest when he accepted a motion by the then Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to stay an arrest warrant against him; and secondly when he made Facebook posts accusing then Prime Minister Peter O’Neill of obtaining a fake warrant of arrest to deceive and mislead the Courts.

Both allegations were proven against him, and the tribunal ruled that the publication of inaccurate, distorted, unsubstantiated, and derogatory articles in a three-part series void of restraint led· to the denigration of the public’s high respect for the judiciary rendering his culpability very serious and he should bear the blame.

The Tribunal has recommended that the Hon Member be dismissed from office as the penalty for the first two offences.

The other five (5) offences relate to misconduct in office where the member was found guilty of allowing the company of his associates to benefit from the Madang DSIP and creating a position within the Madang DDA without approval from the Department of Personnel Management; and misappropriation of public funds where the member was accused of using Madang DSIP funds to pay his business associates, rentals and salaries for electoral officers contrary to DSIP guidelines.

By majority decision, the Hon Brian Kramer has been recommended to pay a fine of K2,000 each for allegations 5,6, 7,9 & 10 to a total of K10,000 to be paid within one week.

To read the detailed court ruling download it here: Brian Kramer Court Ruling 01/05/2023   

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