The Ombudsman Commission received a complaint from a concerned son regarding the alleged non-payment of service entitlements of his late father employed as the Community Health Worker with the Western Provincial Administration. The final entitlements were calculated at K17,263. 92.
The Late Community Health Worker passed away on 12 May 2016 and his family was entitled to his service entitlements but the payment was delayed until the Ombudsman Commission’s intervention when the payment was made to his family.
The late Community Health Worker was serving as a Community Health Worker at the Timisirap Aid Post under the Health Division of Western Provincial Administration for fifty-three (53) years from 2 January 1963 to 12 May 2016.
It was revealed to the Ombudsman Commission that his entitlement was delayed due to low cash flow in the Province. The Ombudsman Commission liaised with the Western Provincial Administration which released the payment eventually.
The widow (complainant’s mother) received the payment of K17,263. 92 as requested. The Acting Provincial Administrator confirmed that the payments were made.