Alleged Delay in Appointment of Deputy Head of Regional Office in Vital Government Department Prompts Ombudsman Commission to Initiate Investigation

In March 2023, the position of a deputy head of an office in a regional government department was left vacant after the incumbent passed away.  

The Ombudsman Commission had followed up with the government department on several occasions in 2023 and 2024 on certain matters however was advised by the department that there was no manager available to effect letters from its office.

According to information gathered by the Commission, it was alleged that the government department had been operating without a regional manager. This has resulted in clients and related queries not being attended to in a timely manner.

The Commission initiated an investigation on the alleged delay in the appointment of the deputy head of the regional office and escalated the matter to the appropriate government department responsible for administrative appointments.

In July 2024, the head of the appropriate government department responsible for the administrative appointment responded to the Commission. The Commission was advised that the position of deputy head of the regional office was advertised in the daily newspapers and an interview was conducted in November 2023.

Consequently, the deputy head of the regional office was appointed and commenced official duties in May of 2024.

This matter was a success after the Ombudsman Commission’s intervention by ensuring that all governmental bodies are responsive to the needs and aspirations of the People and to help in the improvement of the work of governmental bodies.

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