The Ombudsman Commission is conducting investigations against the Department of Personnel Management regarding the alleged revocation of the NEC Decision to implement the Public Servants Health Care Policy.
The creation of the Public Service Nuicare Association Inc. or NIUCARE, is an initiative by the Department of Personnel Management (DPM) and it represents a significant step by the Government of Papua New Guinea towards ensuring the well-being of the public servants in the country and reduced financial burden on the government’s health care expenditure.
In establishing the Public Servants’ Health Care Policy under Niucare, the Government is required to consult the public servants as provided under Section 255 (Consultation) of the Constitution and consultation must be meaningful to allow for a genuine interchange and consideration. The public servants must be given first opportunity to have a say in any policy or law that will affect their well-being.
Any policy draws its basis from the enabling legislation and is dovetailed into the National Medium Term Development Strategy which gives effect to the National Goals and Directive Principles, in particular, Integral Human Development (Goal No. 1) and Equality and Participation (Goal No. 2). Such policy must give effect to the Basic Social Obligations and the Basic Rights and Freedoms provided for by the Constitution.
Our public servants have the right to the protection of the law etc. NJUCARE represents a significant step by the Government of Papua New Guinea towards ensuring the well-being of the public servants in the country and reduced financial burden on the government however, there are many stakeholders in this resolve and it requires collective and concerted effort.
On a broader level, the Commission has general jurisdiction in ensuring good governance. To achieve good governance, institutions need good policies and plans and implement them effectively. That is easier said because often one experiences resource constraints but this should not dishearten such commendable effort.
One of the purposes of the establishment of the Ombudsman Commission is to help in the elimination of unfair or otherwise defective legislation and practices affecting or administered by governmental bodies and it is to ensure that due process and procedures must be followed for the public servants to benefit from the program.
While its functions are investigations, the Commission is obliged by law to promote and protect the integrity of leaders and help in the improvement of the work of government bodies and also to ensure that there is good governance, accountability, transparency and quality leadership in the public sector.