Ombudsman Commission’s Call for Co-Operation In Perfroming Its Functions


The Ombudsman Commission calls for co-operation by Government Bodies; State Service or Provincial Service, or a member of any such service; or any other governmental body, or an officer or employee of a governmental body; or any local government body or an officer or employee of any such body; or any other body set up by statute that is wholly or mainly supported out of public moneys of Papua New Guinea; or all of, or the majority of, the members of the controlling authority of which are appointed by the National Executive and all stake-holders to respect and co-operate with the Commission in the discharge of its functions.

Ombudsman Commission Officers have been harassed, intimidated and prevented from performing their constitutional duties by Security Personnel engaged in many Government Departments hence this notice serves as a directive to ensure that Security Officers and Personnel or Security Firms engaged by public entities to allow entry to all Ombudsman Commission officers when they are performing the Commission’s functions as mandated by the Constitution.

The Ombudsman Commission urges all Departmental Heads, Deemed Departmental Heads and Statutory Bodies to issue clear instructions to their security personnel regarding this matter. Security officers must be made aware that they are required by law to facilitate access for Ombudsman Commission officers conducting official duties without unnecessary delay or hindrance.

The effectiveness of the Ombudsman Commission relies heavily on cooperation from all sectors within the government and statutory bodies. The Commission appreciates your immediate attention and cooperation to this directive as ensuring compliance will uphold the integrity of our investigative processes and contribute positively towards governance in Papua New Guinea.


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