Three Elementary School Teachers Placed On Payroll after 7 Years of Unreasonable Delay in Salaries

In July 2023, the Ombudsman Commission registered complaints from three (3) elementary school teachers in various local district schools in the New Guinea Islands Regions. The teachers’ complaints related to unreasonable delays in their admissions since 2016.

The 3 teachers claimed that they were not registered, assigned file numbers, or established on the payroll since the commencement of their teaching careers.

From June to October 2023, the Commission commenced a series of case conferences with the relevant Divisions of the government department concerned. The case conferences held were related to issues of registration and salaries.  

In November 2023, the Commission received information from the relevant official of the government department concerned. The information contained listings of elementary school teachers who were successfully registered, issued file numbers and placed on payroll.

The Salary and Payroll Section of the government department concerned also provided copies of the teachers’ pay slips confirming that the issues raised by the 3 teachers were successfully addressed. The three elementary school teachers were fully registered, admitted to the Teaching Service, issued file numbers, established on payroll and back paid K16, 622.40, K17, 036.91 and K25, 651.40 respectively in salaries.  

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